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Patent Search Query:

"the driver of the vehicle is notified by the presence of pedestrians, animals or any other environmental or weather related hazard affecting the roadway in real time"

Competitor A

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Patent Search Query:

"the driver of the vehicle is notified by the presence of pedestrians, animals or any other environmental or weather related hazard affecting the roadway in real time"

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Pubmed Search Query:

"Iron is an essential mineral for the function of all body cells and is absorbed at the apical surface of enterocytes to be transported by ferroportin, the only known iron exporter, across the basolateral surface of the enterocyte into circulation. Inflammation from IBD interferes with iron absorption by causing an increase in hepcidin, a peptide hormone synthesized in the liver that inhibits ferroportin activity. A deficiency of iron can have a significant impact on a patient's quality of life"

Competitor A

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Pubmed Search Query:

"Iron is an essential mineral for the function of all body cells and is absorbed at the apical surface of enterocytes to be transported by ferroportin, the only known iron exporter, across the basolateral surface of the enterocyte into circulation. Inflammation from IBD interferes with iron absorption by causing an increase in hepcidin, a peptide hormone synthesized in the liver that inhibits ferroportin activity. A deficiency of iron can have a significant impact on a patient's quality of life"

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Company Search Query:

"X solutions increase revenue for online merchants through automated, real-time customer interaction at the point of customer conversion. Based on behavioral targeting of site visitors, Smart Offers from X increases conversion rates and captures more revenue from your existing site traffic."

The following AIP search results - all in the top 10 - were the most relevant to the search query

Runa -- Runa allows online merchants to more than double the conversion rate of visitors. A one percentage point increase in conversions from visitors to sales among all the existing online merchants is equivalent to them spending approximately an additional $7 billion on online advertising at current efficiencies.


Sweet Tooth -Sweet Tooth increases sales by converting first time visitors into loyal customers that crave your brand. These loyal customers come back to your store, purchase frequently, and promote your brand to their friends & family. Online businesses can create loyal brand promoters by automatically engaging their customers using Sweet Tooth's advanced loyalty platform. Over 3,000 online businesses are using Sweet Tooth to automate the communication to, and rewarding of, their customers.


Zephyr Financial Technologies -Web Based platform creates a completely new 360 degree environment to access and analyze global financial data. The system design, architecture and marketing solution fuses together real time financial data (pricing, charts, analytic tools etc.) via specific data streams, aggregated content and Business Intelligence (BI/FI) Applications into a dynamic and customizable interactive interface.

ShopLogic -ShopLogic gives e-commerce merchants an intelligent way to optimize and manage promotions on their site. ShopLogic lets merchants promote intelligently and determine what to offer, who should get them, and how much to discount. The best promotion is delivered for each shopper, resulting in more margin and sales for merchants.


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